01. Introduction of Institution
Ashraff Memorial Hospital is one of the major hospitals in the costal region of Ampara District. It is the mother institution of more then 35 smaller institutions in this region and it is functioning as a referral centre for other peripheral hospitals. This hospital serves to a population about 0.5 millions
This hospital which was started as a Central Dispensary & Maternity Home on 1994 was later upgraded to a Peripheral Unit and gradually to the present status as a Base Hospital in 1999. Presently it is functioning as Base Hospital Type A.
Initially there was only one small building housing the central dispensary which was later converted to maternity ward and operating theater. With stage by stage addition of buildings the hospital presently has the following.
Partially completed 4 story OPD & Administration Building complex housing ETU, OPD , clinics, Dental unit, OPD & clinic dispensaries, Medical laboratory, Blood bank, Public health unit, Administrative offices and Auditorium.
3 story ICU & Theater complex housing two major theaters, one septic theater, Intensive Care Unit, Obstetrics ward with labour room, Special Care Baby Unit and Paediatric ward.
3 story Central Sterilization and Supply Division is under construction.
2 story medical wards
2 story surgical wards
2 story consultant quarters with 4 units
3 story medical officers quarters is under construction
2 story house officers’ quarters
2 story kitchen and dining building is under construction
Mortuary building is under construction
MOU has been signed for the construction of a 3 story paediatric ward complex
The hospital which was started with one RMO, one Nursing Officer, one dispenser and one laborer is now functioning with the following staff
Medical superintendent
4 Consultants
47 Medical Officers
02 Dental Surgeon
11 Intern Medical Officers
126Nursing Officers
13 FHO
07 Medical Laboratory Technologists
04 Pharmacists
02 Radiographer
03 Dispensers
01 PHI
· 02 ECG Recorders
· 01 MRA
86 Minor staff
01 Accountant
08 HMA
02 DA
01 Telephone Operator
01 Overseer
08 Drivers
01 KKS
01 Cook
01 Ward Clerk
Further, Consultant Radiologist, Dermatologist and cardiologist are visiting this hospital to conduct clinics. Eye clinic and eye surgeries will be started soon by the eye surgeon from BH, Kalmunai North.
Presently the following facilities are available in addition to the OPD and wards
Regional Medical Laboratory
Operating Theater
Special Care Baby Unit
Echocardiography by Consultant Cardiologist
Ultrasonography by Consultant Radiographer
The following clinics are conducted at this hospital
Antenatal clinic
Surgical clinic
Gynaecology clinic
Asthma clinic
Medical clinic
Skin clinic
Cardiology clinic
Paediatric clinic
Diabetic clinic
Chest clinic
STD clinic
Psychiatric clinic
Radiologist referral clinic
Completion of OPD Complex- Fund allocated for Stage -1 of OPD Complex Extension. Allocation needed for continuation and completion.
Completion of Central Sterilization and Supply Division (by Parmacies Sans Frontiers – INGO) and Purchasing of equipments by Ministry of Health.
Completion of Medical Officers Quarters.
Construction of Peadiatric Ward Complex (by Christian Child Fund –INGO)-MOU signed and work will start soon.
Construction of Overhead Water Tank – Allocation needed
Construction and installation of Bed Lift for Medical ward – Allocation needed
Enhancement of the Electricity Transformer capacity from 250 kv to 600 kv
Central Air-condition System to Operating Theater and Intensive Care Unit Complex – Allocation needed
Provision and Installation of an XRAY plant of 600ma – Allocation needed
Construction of Surgical and Trauma Care Unit – Allocation needed
Provision of a 500kv Generator – Allocation needed
Provision of Vehicles – Allocation needed
a. Ambulance – 03
b. Lorry - 01
c. Vehicle for administrative purposes
d. Three wheeler – 01
Construction of Ambulance Garage, Drivers Quarters and Minor Staff Quarters
Construction of Nurses Quarters – Allocation needed
Construction of Incinerator- Allocation needed
Earth filling of the allocated land behind the housing complex
May – 2007 - Medical Officers Quarters 14 M
March – 2008 - Biochemistry Analyzer 2.99 M
April – 2008 - Heamatology Analyzer 2.996 M
June – 2008 - Extension of Medical Ward 2.5 M
June – 2008 - Completion of Parapet Wall 4.1 M
August – 2008 - Intercom System 2 M
August – 2008 - Peadiatric Ward Complex 80 M